God is the Potter and He is in control.
God has plan and a purpose in what He was doing
God has Sovereign control over His creation
We (the clay) have no right to talk back to the Creator (the Potter).
As clay, we have no right to question His motives.
Nor do we have a right to grumble, blaming God for our circumstances.
God is over His creation and He has the right to control and manipulate the clay for His purposes.
Our response is to submit to God and to be flexible and moldable.
God is the Creator of all things, and He has a divine plan and purpose for each of us.
He will use the trials and tribulations of the end times to mold us into vessels fit for His purpose.
We don't have to understand all of His plan; we just have to trust and obey our Lord. He purchased us, and we belong to Him.
"For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I might show my power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."
--- Romans 9:17
In the last days, God will "allow" the Antichrist to reign over the earth but only for a short while
and for His purposes.
Ultimately, the Antichrist, who is a type and shadow of the Exodus Pharaoh, is used by God to show God's power and to proclaim God's name in all the earth when Jesus triumphantly returns.
It will be a repeat of the Exodus. We call the end time exodus the rapture.