They are NOT seven "church ages" as some have proposed and this can be easily disproved by just reading
what the letters say.
In the letter to Sardis for instance, Jesus says,
"if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief,"
but Jesus only comes "as a thief" to those living in the last days.
And to the church of Thyateira, Jesus threatens to throw some,
"into great tribulation unless they repent."
The great tribulation is ONLY an end time event.
The letters CANNOT be "church ages." It just does not make sense.
Each church represents THE CHURCH during each one-year period of the tribulation.
Ephesus represents "The Church" during the 1st year of the tribulation.
Smyrna = the 2nd year.
Pergamon = the 3rd year.
Thyateira = the 4th year.
Sardis = the 5th year.
Philadelphia = the 6th year.
Laodicea = the 7th year.
And the letters to each church tell us what they will have to face and endure during each year of the tribulation.
And when we read the letters with this understanding, it all makes perfect sense.
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"But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money,... lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God," --- 2 Timothy 3:1-4
The opening of this first seal causes the WHITE HORSE of Revelation
(Revelation 6:2)
to ride producing
FALSE PEACE by means of a
"covenant of the many" (Daniel 9:27).
I believe the sacrifices on the Temple Mount will begin during
this year, and the land of Israel will be divided.
Core Understanding:
Jesus opens the seals but the resulting action is produced by Satan in response to the seals opening.
This is important to understand.
It is also important to note that there are only 4 horses. Why not 7?
This "may" be because after the 4th seal, before the midpoint of the tribulation, Satan is thrown down to earth. Satan has lost his perspective from heaven
and this affects his abilities to cause trouble on the earth. However, after being thrown down to earth,
he causes the Antichrist to do his bidding.
Satan, who is now on the earth, is the
"foreign god" (Daniel 11:39)
that helps the beast take power.
I believe this was foretold in Daniel and serves as a second witness:
"But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the scroll until the end of time. Many will go back and forth and search anxiously [through the scroll], and knowledge [of the purpose of God as revealed by His prophets] will [greatly] increase." (Amplified) --- Daniel 12:4
Is the book of Daniel now unsealed?
In the end times, Mystery Babylon will imprison believers:
"Then the king
[Mystery Babylon] will take
...some of the royal family and of the nobles,... in whom was no defect, ... showing intelligence in every branch of wisdom, endowed with understanding and discerning knowledge.." Daniel 1:3-4
These are believers and their wisdom, understanding, and discernment are from God.
Mystery Babylon will take believers possessions and they will be very poor.
"and he brought the vessels into the treasury of his god." -- Daniel 1:2
[A parallel to this is Pharaoh acquiring all the wealth of Egypt during the 7-year famine. A careful read will reveal a foreshadowing of the end times:
Genesis 47:13-21.]
Christians will be imprisoned and tested (threatened and pressured) for 10 days to defile themselves by agreeing with this end-time world system and thus are participating in their immorality.
"But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself.." -- Daniel 1:8
"and tested them for ten days." -- Daniel 1:14
then put in a "re-education?" facility for 3 years and then (killed?):
"and appointed that they should be educated three years" -- Daniel 1:5
Note: The opening of this second seal causes the red horse of Revelation to ride producing world-wide wars and conflicts. (Revelation 6:3-4)
The opening of this third seal causes the black horse of Revelation to ride producing world-wide famines
and hyperinflation.
(Revelation 6:5)
These famines will likely cause some believers to seek food from Mystery Babylon which is food
"sacrificed to idols."
However, believers need to rely on God only and remember that the Bible says,
"To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna..." -- Revelation 2:17
Believers need to trust the Lord for their provision. He will provide!
Note: The opening of this fourth seal causes the Pale horse of Revelation to produce death and pestilence. At the midpoint, the Antichrist sits in the temple and declares himself to be God.
With the opening of this fifth seal, the Antichrist is in power and we see martyrs:
"When the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God, and because of the testimony which they had maintained." --- Revelation 6:9
Note: The opening of this sixth seal causes great terror and the ungodly hide themselves saying, "the great day of their (triune God) wrath has come, and who is able to stand?" -- Revelation 6:17
Note: The opening of this seventh seal of Revelation causes the WRATH OF GOD to be poured out.